Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Banned & Challenged Books

I have decided that since Banned Book Week is coming up next month, I would share a few books that have been removed from libraries for one reason or another.

Today's book is:
Swimmy by Leo Lionni

What surprised me the most is the reason behind the ban. Did you know that this particular children's book promotes communism? I didn't. I thought it was just a book about a fish not afraid to be itself and care about others at the same time. Basically it is about a small fish that uses it's smarts to outwit a bigger bully fish. How do you get a book promoting communism???

I encourage everyone to go out and read a banned book! Especially with Banned Book Week coming. I'll make sure to include a list of some of the most challenged within the last few years. And for all you Stephenie Meyer fans, all of the Twilight series has been challenged/banned so you can reread a favorite if you want. ;)

More to come.

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